Ontario Cracking Down on Cellphone Use and Banning Vaping in Schools

  • After landing deals with all teachers’ unions, we are keeping kids in class learning as we go back to basics.
  • Stability in the classroom is key, however it is clear we must take further action to tackle the distractions that are holding kids back. 
  • Cell phone usage is rampant in schools, distracting children from learning and amplifying bullying and menta health issues. It is also unacceptable that Canadian youth have one of the highest vaping rates in the world. The time for action is now.
  • That is why our government unveiled the most comprehensive plan in Canada to reduce distractions in classrooms and improve the health of children by standardizing and strengthening provincial policies, to directly counter the rise of vaping and cell phone distractions in classrooms. 
  • Ontario’s plan includes key changes to the Provincial Code of Conduct that removes cell phone usage during instructional times, unless given explicit instructions from their educator. Students who do not abide by their educator’s instructions must give up their device or be sent to the principal’s office. 
  • Furthermore, there is a zero-tolerance policy for students using, carrying, or providing vapes, tobacco, nicotine, alcohol, recreational cannabis, or illegal drugs. These items will be confiscated and destroyed, along with parents being notified immediately.
  • Our government is investing up to $17.5 million to provide:
  • Wrap-around supports for student mental health to deal with addictions and difficulties.
  • partnering with School Mental Health Ontario to develop province-wide webinars for parents and separate products for teachers to educate on the adverse affects of vaping and excessive cell phone usage. 
  • Funding for Parent Involvement Committees (including student initiatives) to run local awareness and prevention campaigns to help deter vaping and cell phone distractions. 
  • These changes and investments are part of the government’s comprehensive plan to go back to basics by removing distractions in classrooms and restoring common sense and focus back into the classroom.