Ontario Taking Impaired Drivers Off The Road
- Too many families in Ontario have had their lives torn apart by the careless and shameful actions of impaired drivers.
- That is why the Ontario government is introducing legislation that, if passed, would impose stiffer penalties for those who drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs – including a lifetime licence suspension for those convicted of impaired driving causing death.
- Those convicted of impaired driving would also be required to install an ignition interlock device in their vehicle and undergo mandatory remedial education and treatment for first and second-time alcohol and drug-related offences respectively.
- We are also increasing immediate roadside licence suspensions for first and second-time alcohol and drug-related offences and clarifying police authority to stop vehicles and/or administer sobriety tests for drivers on or off the highway.
- The government will also work to provide additional tools and training to help police officers detect drug-impaired driving and launch a province-wide campaign to highlight the dangers of drug-impaired driving, with a focus on cannabis and young drivers.