Ontario Investing Over $1.8 Billion to Connect Every Person in Ontario to a Family Doctor and Primary Care Teams
- Our government is connecting two million more people to a publicly funded family doctor or primary care team, which will achieve our goal of connecting everyone in the province to a family doctor or primary care team within the next four years.
- Ontario’s Primary Care Action Team, led by Dr. Jane Philpott, will use the government’s historic $1.8 billion investment to implement its action plan to build a primary care system that draws on best-in-class models from across the province and connects everyone to a family doctor or primary care team.
- In every community, your primary care team will be your front door to care, where you have a team of providers including family doctors, nurse practitioners, midwives and many others delivering tiemly, accessible primary care, close to home.
- Since 2018, Ontario has added over 15,000 new physicians to its health-care workforce, including a 10 per cent increase in family doctors.
- Through Your Health: A Plan for Connected and Convenient Care, the Ontario government continues to take bold and decisive action to grow the province’s highly-skilled health care workforce and ensure people and their families have access to high-quality care closer to home for generations to come.